The Lodge Emblem of Rye Lodge 2272
Rye Lodge was founded in 1888 from its founding lodge, Beadon 619
Rye Lodge meets on the 1st Monday in October (Installation), 2nd Monday in February, the 4th Monday in May and November at the Mumbai Square Masonic Centre (Corvinos) 7 Middlesex Street, London E1 7AA.
LOI meets alternate Tuesdays at The Watermark Club, Scrutton St. London. EC2A.
History of Rye Lodge 2272
The Lodge Emblem of Rye Lodge 2272
The accompanying history is split into 2 parts the first part for the first 50 years from our consecration in 1888, is a complete and unabridged history covering the times of 2 world wars and the second Boer War of 1902.
As points of interest in the world, during the first 2 years of Rye Lodge.
- The First successful computer built by Herman Hollerith.
- Sherlock Holmes wrote 5 books during the year including "Hound of Baskervilles"
- Mar 22nd - Football League Formed
- May 7th - George Eastman patents "Kodak box camera & on Sep 4th - George Eastman patents 1st roll-film camera & registers "Kodak"
- Jun 29th - First (known) recording of classical music made, Handel's Israel in Egypt on wax cylinder.
- July 10th - Rye Lodge was granted it’s Warrant form the Grand Lodge of England.
- Aug 19th - 1st beauty contest (Spa, Belgium), 18 yr old West Indian wins
- Oct 17th - Thomas Edison files a patent for the Optical Phonograph (the first movie).
- Oct 22nd - Rye Lodge was Consecrated at Peckham Public Hall.
- Oct 30th - Last of five women were brutally murdered by Jack the Ripper on the streets of London's East End.
- Oct 31st - John Boyd Dunlop patents pneumatic bicycle tire
- Dec 23rd - Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh cuts off his left ear
And in the following year 1890:-
- Ten story building erected in Chicago. Considered a skyscraper at the time.
- First skyscraper in New York City is the World Building, 26 stories.
- Sitting Bull killed by Indian policemen while resisting arrest.
- 20th April Adolf Hitler is born in Braunau, Austria.
- 20th Dec Massacre of Indians including women and children at Wounded Knee.
- 29th July Artist Vincent van Gogh dies of self-inflicted gunshot wound in Auvers, France.
The second part brings the history up to 2001
You can download the complete history of this Lodge and its Genealogy here:-
Complete History of the Lodge
Genealogy of the Lodge