How to become a Freemason.
Whilst it is true that Freemasons are selective in who they will accept to join their Lodges there is a continual need to find suitable people who it is believed will live up to the high moral ideals demanded by Freemasonry in general. In this modern day where we all seem to be living life in the fast lane, finding men of good moral character who have the inclination not only to become Freemasons but who will dedicate the necessary time and effort it takes after they have joined means that just about every lodge in the world is constantly on the lookout for the right people.
Is joining the same everywhere?
The truth is that joining a lodge in London is really no different to joining a lodge anywhere in the UK. You need to either find someone you know to be a Freemason and ask him or you need to perhaps find a web site like this one and drop the Lodge Secretary an e-mail or note saying you would like to learn more about how to become a Freemason.
Is Freemasonry a religion of some kind.
The quick and definite answer is no, Freemasonry is not a religion. You are required to have a belief in a 'Supreme Being' but it matters not one jot whether your own religion is Christian, Jewish, Muslim or any other known religion. Your beliefs are personal to you and apart from being asked at some point whether you believe in a Supreme Being, your beliefs will never be questioned or examined further. Indeed there are just two subjects that are banned from discussion during meetings or at the dinner afterwards and one of them is religion. The other subject which is banned is politics. For hundreds of years Freemasons have been supporters of the Monarchy and many past monarchs have themselves been initiated into Freemasonry. Historically that is as political as Freemasons have ever been, simply supporters of the Monarchy or as some would have it the status quo.
How long does it usually take to join.
No two lodges are the same when it comes to processing applications to become a Freemason but typically in this Rye Lodge things would be likely to follow a timetable something like this. The Secretary receives your e-mail asking how to become a Freemason. He will write back to you usually within a day or two when he may well ask you to telephone him to arrange a meeting briefly somewhere so that he can answer any of your questions and at the same time get a feel for the person making the application. Assuming the Secretary believes you to be the right kind of person he will then suggest to the Lodge Committee that you be invited to come to the next Lodge committee meeting where you are likely to get to know about ten members who will treat you with the same respect they had when they first applied to join. Once you have met the committee they will tell you that evening whether your application will be recommended to to Lodge as a whole. From that point it usually takes about 6 months to be a fully fledged member of the Lodge.
What are the costs of joining?
The costs vary somewhat from Lodge to Lodge depending on how many meetings they have in a year. The majority of Lodges meet between four and six times a year and your dues may or may not include the costs of the dinners which we have after our meetings. To join Rye Lodge will depend on when you join the lodge in its calendar and the Secretary and or Treasurer will ensure you know exactly what your joining fees and commitments are. By now you are bound to have the word charity being associated with Freemasons and each and every member of a Lodge is expected to contribute to charity. It is important to understand that whatever funds you might throw in the pot to help those less fortunate than you, the only person who will know for sure what you contributed is you.
Freemasons and charity.
There are a number of good, effective and honourable charities in England such as the Lions and Round Table. It might surprise you to learn there is usually one big difference between that type of charity organization and Freemasons In general terms the Lions or Round Table collect money from the world at large for good causes. Freemasons don't, .I am quite sure you never saw a Freemasons collecting bucket. All the money donated by Freemasons, almost without exception comes from Freemasons themselves. It will almost certainly surprise you to learn then, that of all UK charities only the National Lottery gives more to charity here than the Freemasons do. Freemasons in the past have been notoriously bad about telling you the good things they do. I do know that to some Freemasons they want all their charity to be secret on the basis that if people know, that is your reward here on earth. Nevertheless these days Freemasons publish very detailed accounts. These accounts show that for well over half a century Freemasons have given a million pounds each year to the Royal College of Surgeons for the betterment of mankind. You would also be very hard pressed to find a hospice anywhere in the country which is not being generously supported by Masonic funds.
They do say that charity begins at home and Freemasons are very good at taking care of their own. This is evidenced by such things as the Masonic Boys and Girls schools here in the UK. These schools generally take the children of Masons who have died. Without charge or cost to other members of the family these boarding schools provide each such child with full board and education to the age of 18
Must I be a successful businessman to be able to join?
Absolutely not. The Lodge will be much more interested in how nice a person you are than in how much money you have. There are Freemasons from every possible walk of life from Princes to plumbers, cooks to accountants. The ONLY real criteria by which a man is ever judged is how willing is that man to try and better himself and provide relief in the way of money or time in helping others.
You can learn more by clicking this link which will automatically create an e-mail to the Secretary of Rye Lodge who will furnish you with more information.
Another page about:-
How to become a London Freemason
The Lodge Emblem of Rye Lodge 2272