Rye Lodge was founded in 1888 from its founding lodge, Beadon 619
Rye Lodge meets on the 1st Monday in October (Installation), 2nd Monday in February, the 4th Monday in May and November at the Mumbai Square Masonic Centre (Corvinos) 7 Middlesex Street, London E1 7AA.
LOI meets alternate Tuesdays at The Watermark Club, Scrutton St. London. EC2A.
Rye Lodge 2272
Our Worshipful Master welcomes you to the website of Rye Lodge 2272.
Rye is a Freemasons Lodge within the Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London.
Think you might like to join the Freemasons?
This page was designed for people trying to learn more about joining the Freemasons. it will not be possible to cover all the questions you may have, but we will explain some of the more common questions we are asked by people considering joining the Freemasons.
What do Masons do?
Well to begin with everyone knows that Freemasons have ceremonies and there are some very instructive life lessons in each of the ceremonies we perform and we are each taught or reminded of the need for charity in life. Charity is one of the foundation stones of our order and Lodges in the UK donate large sums of money every year . So, much so, that our members are second only to the National Lottery in the amount of money donated to good causes in the UK. Apart from charity we do have other aims which might be summed up by saying we look for good men to become members and we try to make them better men.
Will it help my career if I join Freemasonry?
It is very unlikely to help you commercially in any direct way. It is frowned upon generally to use one's membership in order to influence commercial decisions. It can help someone's career in less direct ways though, because as we learn some of the things that Freemasonry teaches us, people frequently grow in self confidence and authority. We would never suggest you join us for personal or financial gain.
Are you a covert organization?
The fact that this question comes up so frequently tells us that in the past we have not been as open as we should have been. This is not a covert organization, but we do have some secrets. These secrets tend to be ways of recognizing other Masons or can be things within one of our ceremonies. So yes, we do have secrets but we are definitely not a covert organization. One way you can show yourself that this is true is that we publish financial accounts every year.
What are the costs to join the Masons in London?
No two lodges are ever quite the same but in your first year you have to pay for your initiation and in addition you are going to have to pay somewhere between a half and a years dues in advance, so whilst there is no way to specify an amount, if you were to think of it costing you in the order of £300 in your first year you would not be too far out.
What would be my time commitment.
We already discussed that Masons have ceremonies. These are somewhat like short plays and we each need to know and understand our part in the play which means we need to rehearse and this usually takes one or two hours in the evening. This also means that we get to spend time with other members of our Lodge.
Create an e-mail to the Secretary of Rye Lodge who will furnish you with more information on how to join the Freemasons in London..secretary@rye2272.org.uk