The Lodge Emblem of Rye Lodge 2272

Rye Lodge was founded in 1888 from its founding lodge, Beadon 619

Rye Lodge meets on the 1st Monday in October (Installation), 2nd Monday in February, the 4th Monday in May and November at the Mumbai Square Masonic Centre (Corvinos) 7 Middlesex Street, London E1 7AA.

LOI meets alternate Tuesdays at The Watermark Club, Scrutton St. London. EC2A.



Join the freemasons in London.  Pic 1Rye Lodge 2272

The Worshipful Master of Rye Lodge 2272 welcomes you to our web site.

Rye is a Freemasons Lodge within the Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London.

Join the Freemasons in London Picture 2Joining the Freemasons?

Our Master has directed that this web site shall be as open as possible and that it shall tell the basics about becoming a Freemason, so that interested people can be given any help or assistance they could use. With that in mind the first thing to know about joining the Freemasons is that you have to ask. Masons generally will not ask you in the first place. At the end of this page there is a link that creates an e-mail to our Lodge secretary who will furnish you with more information relating to Lodges in London and England.

Join the Freemasons in London  Picture 3What do Masons actually do?

The first thing I think we do is to try to find good men who have a desire to improve themselves and their usefulness to their fellow beings. Then we do all that we can to help them become better men. This is achieved in a number of ways. Everyone knows that Freemasons have ceremonies, but what is perhaps not so well known is that each of the ceremonies we perform is designed to teach a lesson in life.

To say we try to have good men joining our order is just a small part of what we do. All Freemason Lodges all over the world have the same three principal aims. Brotherly love, relief and truth.

Allow me for a minute please, to expand on those three things. Brotherly love indicates that we take care of each other and indeed this is true. Most of us though for most of the time have no particular need for special attention, but if a Mason falls sick the Lodge will ensure he is getting the treatment as well as the help and support he neds. Relief refers to charity and Masons really do excell in their charity. Few people have any idea that Masons are the second largest givers to charity in the whole of the UK and only the National Lottery gives more money to charitable causes.

In an endeavour to be more open United Grand Lodge of England publishes annual accounts. These will show you that each year we give a million pounds to the Royal College of Surgeons with the stipulation that this money is 'For the betterment of mankind.' The Royal College of Surgeons has received this million pounds annually since early in the 20th. Century. When a disaster strikes like the tsunamis of recent years, governments plege sums of money which is always slow in arriving and seldom matches the promised amounts. The Freemasons are almost always among the very first to give substantial money to the aid agencies.

Lastly of the three things I named is truth and I think the benefits of being known as a truthful man are self evident.


Things to know before asking to be a member.


Discussing religion.Will being a Mason aid my career?

Absolutely not. It is very much frowned upon to use one's Masonry for any kind of business end. It is a fact that we frequently see men grow in confidence and stature as they learn and practice some of the Masonic lessons and there is no doubt that this can assist them in their careers but nobody should think of Joining the Freemasons for personal gain.


compassesWhy do so many people think Masonry is a covert organization?

This is very largely the fault of Masons themselves. For many years the various Grand Lodges throughout the world had been so bad at something as basic as Public Relations the one only neeeded a few authors like Dan Brown to come on the scene and suddenly the world thinks we are a covert organization. It is true that as an organization we do have some secrets but these generally relate to either recognizing other masons or are words used within our ceremonies which denote a Brother's seniority.

compassesWhat kind of people become Masons?

If you took the time to view the video embedded in this page above, you will hear that we have a total cross-section of society from taxi drivers to plumbers, from Dukes to dustmen. Masons have very little interest in how successful you may be commercially, as we sais above, we are constantly seeking good men to join the freemasons and to become better men.


CompassesWhat kind of cost is entailed in being a Mason?

Different Lodges have different fees and it is probably indicative of what most London Lodges charge. After each meeting we always have what we call a 'Festive Board' which is an opportunity for us to rub shoulders and minds with our fellow masons. Most Lodges meet 4 - 6 times a year and the costs of the dinners is sometimes included in the Lodger Dues and sometimes not. If you eventually decide on joining Rye Lodge you should probably think in terms of about £300 for your first year. In addition we each give something to charity but this is a matter for each man and his circumstances.


Create an e-mail to the Secretary of Rye Lodge who will furnish you with more information on joining the Freemasons in London..



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The Lodge Emblem of Rye Lodge 2272


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