The Lodge Emblem of Rye Lodge 2272

Rye Lodge was founded in 1888 from its founding lodge, Beadon 619

Rye Lodge meets on the 1st Monday in October (Installation), 2nd Monday in February, the 4th Monday in May and November at the Mumbai Square Masonic Centre (Corvinos) 7 Middlesex Street, London E1 7AA.

LOI meets alternate Tuesdays at The Watermark Club, Scrutton St. London. EC2A.



Join the freemasons in London.  Pic 1Rye Lodge 2272

On behalf of the Master and members of Rye Lodge 2272 we welcome you.

Rye is a Masonic Lodge within the Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London.

Join the Freemasons in London Picture 2Joining the Masons?

This web site has been designed to be as open as we can be about Freemasonry and it's aims. This short video may answer some of the initial questions people ask about joining the Masons.



Things to know before joining the Masons.

Join the Freemasons in London  Picture 3This page was designed just to help.

The movie above will have outlined what Masonry is about. There are a number of links at the foot of this page which will enable you to read and learn more about joining the Masons or you could use the link in the next line to generate an e-mail to our secretary who will happily help or explain any questions you may have.

Create an e-mail to the Secretary of Rye Lodge who will furnish you with more information on joining the Masons in London..



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The Lodge Emblem of Rye Lodge 2272


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